Salt Lake City with Sherri

So I took Sherri out to Salt Lake City for a weekend trip. She wanted to go to someplace warm, but because of the lateness of her asking me (2 weeks ahead) and the wet weather throughout the west coast, I could not think of a somewhat close place that would have warm weather. I guess we could have gone to Hawaii, but it was pretty expensive. So I ended up choosing Salt Lake City. I thought it would be sunny and somewhat warm. However, when we arrived at SLC at 1am we were greeted by 6 inches of snow.

On Friday Morning, we went to the Utah Natural Museum. That is one beautiful museum, even when it was 45 degrees outside. They have a pretty good Dinosaur exhibit.

They had a beautiful way of making the walkways/pathways. It is a slow slope up with a lot of zigzags.

We took a cute selfie on my phone while we were sitting down. We forgot how high the altitude was in Salt Lake City and we were breathing pretty hard for just walking around.

They had another cool set of stairs, set up to show the rocks and insides for the granite formation.

There is a really beautiful observation deck on the top floor.

It started to slightly hail after we were finished at the natural museum. So we went to another enclosed place, the Fine Arts Museum of Utah.

More snow pictures before going into the museum. The set museum itself is pretty small, and had okay exhibits. I think what I really love is landscape paintings. While Sherri really loves portraits. The exhibit going on was black and white pictures of people traveling the hasty rods to set up in Utah

I would give this museum an average score. Mostly be the of the small collection of art.

Then we ended the museum visit by going to get some BBQ. Alan told me this was the best bbq outside of Texas.

The ribs were is good, so we went back to our hotel room to just rest. What I found interesting about the hotel was that there was a bunch of kids that were at some type of cheerleading competition, so the indoor swimming pool was filled with 30 ish kids just playing around. The most active pool I’ve ever seen at a hotel.

So for our dinner, we went to the most happening restaurant according to yelp in downtown. The one thing I noticed about Salt Lake City is that at night the city is very quiet. I was expecting this wine bar to be full on a Friday night, but it was only 75% full.

We tried to eat healthy, so we ended up getting the eggplant meatballs (which were very delicious) and grilled asparagus. The wine selection was not too bad. There was mostly an assortment of California and France wine.

After going back home, Sherri decides to do some more crocheting, working on a beautiful baby blanket.

The next day we slept in and ended up having lunch at this healthy places called Pulp’s Kitchen. They had healthy bowls with either quinoa, brown rice, or lettuce. They also had a really good fresh made strawberry ginger ale

Then we continued walking around Salt Lake City, and we realized that a lot of the buildings were named after Eccles. So there were not a lot of too many new state of the art buildings to look at besides the Mormon Temple and the Library.

The library has clear glass elevators and is has a lot of places to sit and read. From all the windows facing the street you can see the Salt Lake City Mountains, and they were all snow covered and gave a very relaxing background.

After the library we tried out a bakery that had really good yelp reviews. Gourmandise the bakery, and we tried their Mille Fueille and Something similar to a croissant. The Mille Fueille was so good, it made sense why several people next to us, each ordered one for themselves.

For dinner we found this tapa place. It was interesting where they sat us. They essentially took the alleyway and expanded it into an eating area by putting a ceiling and stringing a lot of lights everywhere.

The food was really good, it was a little on the salty side but they had shredded Brussels sprouts. They had a really good fish also. Overall I really enjoyed the food and the healthiness of it.

Here is beautiful picture of our food.

Then we spent the rest of the day at the hotel waiting until our train left at 11:30pm. There were so many people relaxing in the lobby of the hotel, I think 10 of the cheerleaders dads were just sitting around drinking beer and chatting all the way until 11. Around 10:30 was when Sherri and I started our walk to the train station. It was a little rough because we went the wrong route, which took us through a street with no sidewalk.

Eventually we got to the train and onto our little roomlette. It was an okay ride, the room is super small when we are in sleeping mode. There is a really nice view of the sierras as you sit in the train.

Overall, it was a very relaxing trip, and nice simple trip.

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