Weekend of Fun

I did a lot of stuff for the weekend. Had the church annual celebration. I guess there must be pictures somewhere on facebook of me (eventually). Epic failed my hankerchief to cane trick, so badly that i just walked off into the back, and when i dropped my trick on the ground, it worked. =)
Also, I didn’t eat dinner so Rob and I were scarfing down the eggrolls. =P, yum yum yum

One of my favorite things to look at in the sky is the clouds. My favorite clouds are the ones that are really fluffy and remind me of super mario brothers clouds.

But I do like these clouds, and the sky is the perfect light blue. I could stare up all day long seeing this stuff.

I was in SF going to the magic shop to see if they had any cool things. Too bad I didn’t know the guy was on vacation, because I come to the door and it is closed for the week.

So instaed of going into the shop, I walked to the bakery to get a piece of bread. Along the way, I ran into some girl scouts and bought a box of cookes from them. The price for cookies have stayed the same, but the amount of cookies has gone down. I was at a bakery that also sold flowers, that is why there is a flower in the picture. It is not because I bought flowers for a date. =)

Cream Filled Bread, Vitasoy (Coconut), and girl scout cookies.

What I noticed, since the day was pretty cold everyone was wearing jackets, but i noticed also everyone was wearing dark colors. I was wearing a burnt orange t-shirt over a white long sleeve shirt. I felt like I stuck out, because my color was contrasting to everything else around me. All in my cream colors, everyone I walked by in dark colors.

I also did make it into a used bookstore. Bought a magic trick book, and showed the owner a trick. He then told me about how he once had another magician in there, and that guy showed him and his wife a trick. The best trick was when he was leaving, the magician opened up the book and pulled out the wife’s watch and said “did you leave this here in the book?”. Then the owner checked his arm to make sure I didn’t take his watch. =) I guess I must love looking and smiliing at people because as I walked out, I smiled at a guy who turned around, because I guess he heard my conversation with the owner. He looked like he just wanted to see who i was.

Finally, I did end the day hanging out with a Kaley. We had chinese/vietnamese food, drinks at Bourbon and Branch. I did forget the password, so I called edris, and he went “i’m busy”,but I got the word from him “books”. =) Then went to the hillsong Concert. Stood up for the whole 2.5 hours, my feet hurt a lot after that concert. No good pictures (darn you cell phone camera with no resolution ability). They had a canned food drive there too. ^_^

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