So today was the big family get together since Christmas for my mom’s side of the family. We were doing the chinese tradition Ching Ming Festival, where i go visit my ancestor’s graves to pay respect. We don’t really do too much of the traditional stuff like give food, burn the paper money and stuff, because most of my relatives all grew up going to church so we don’t believe in it. However, we usually just clean up the headstones, put some flowers there, and give a respect bow. =)
Then we went for dimsum all 17 of us. It was really nice, with a lot of food. I took a picture of matt and ethan playing around. That was really cute. Then there are the facebook pictures.
Picture dump day
That was mostly morning, and because of this, I was not able to go to chruch. =(. Then I topped the day off by going ot hte hospital to visit my grandma who was having a low sodium count, so was is going to be in there for a couple days.
The really interesting thing tonight was that I was talking to my friend about getting a professional looking email address that was not mightydru. I am using andrew(a), but then I don’t want them to read my blog if they don’t have to. So what do i go, I find my old gmailadress i made, Then i remember what I had used it for, I had once used it as an online storage drive. So upon accessing the email address, I found out that I had uploaded 1 year worth of movabletype blogs to it. So I will have to manually upload each blog, and look at my old projects on there. =)
I did also figure out that gmail does not look at the “.”. So andrewwwong^a^ will still come send an email to me, so forth.