Positive Encouragement Day

So I want to encourage all my friends out there, I’m not sure how I would do it. I would send everyone a card, if I knew who needed it. Anyways, I’m powering up for my Engineering test on friday.

Haha, vinesh was looking at my steam account to see what games I played. I guess he knows I love my MLB 2k10, because I played 155 hours of it. Just like how my friend in college, he played his mlb 2k6 so much that him and his roommate just left it running on the ps2. The game disk itself broke from too much gameplay, so he went out and bought a new one.

However, I was just thinking today of two things, what my love language is and what i do to encourage myself.

So my love language is “Quality Time” In Quality Time, nothing says “I love you” like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there—with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby—makes you feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed activities, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful.



Which is find to be really true, at work, I’m known to stop talking to my co-worker about some random things things if he turns around and is doing something else. Just because I think he’s not paying attention so I just quickly end the story and go.


As for encouragement, I never really noticed this until I recieved that thank you card from Dustin and Valene on monday. But what I found out is that I actually keep a lot of cards, especially if someone writes something to thank or encourage me. Which I find so nice.


This is my AACF encouragement card that I recieved when I graduated.


When I get slightly sad or discourage, I open up these cards and read them. It gives me that extra boost knowing that somewhere along the line someone is pulling hard for me. Even though it is from the past, it still counts,

Hello Andrew!

Thanks for always being so joyful, and fun … you have so much energy! Totally God given – keep being avaliable to him okay?! Tkae care, and Congratulations! Stay Sweet.


Stuff like that when I see it. If we were in a movie where the battery life was flickering out, with 1 bar out of 10. Reading something like that shoots me up back to 10 bars. It is amazing how encouragment can do so much. Especially if i get a hug or a pat on the back.

I’m just imagining if I had to fight a horde of zombies all I would really need to power me through would be 2 things. 1) Epic Montage music, 2) hug/pat on the back saying “you got this Chief, and we are rooting for you hard”. Especially if i could hear them chanting my name as I’m taking down zombie after zombie.

Sorry about that last paragraph, my mind just went into superhero mode there for a second.

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