Sunday was a pretty eventful weekend. We had the young adult “amazing race”. It was a really extravagent planned out game.
There were 17 college students/grads, so we split them into 4 teams.
While there were around 12 of people from young adult group there as race “drivers” and coordinators at different locations.
The basic rule was the contestants could not use a smartphone and had to ask people for directions.
Here is the breakdown of the race
1) Location: Church
The first thing was to find the first word in each book of the bible. Then there was an equation that you got from adding it all up.
2) Location: Hayward Starbucks
They had to go to starbucks to find the next person
3) Location: Hayward Luckys
There they had to find the pricing of 10 items that someone looked at the price of earlier in the morning.
4) Location: Hayward Library
The ran to the library
5) Location: Hayward Caspers Hot Dog
Go to Casper’s hot dog and eat a hot dog with me. So I bought 17 jr. hot dogs. It was funny talking to the lady making the hot dogs. She played a long and made the hot dogs in teams (set of 4 or 5). There was a guy behind us who had to wait around 15-20 minutes for all the hotdogs to be made.
It was Matt (eating the hot dog) and Jeff with me. Those were not the size of the hot dogs the players had to eat. We were just enjoying bigger ones. The dogs were really good, they were cutting the tomatoes, onions, and another one of the condiments in front of us. Everything tasted fresh and delicious.
6) Carlos Bee Park
This was a slight pitstop to all all the teams to catch up. However the first 2 teams didn’t have to do the road block, which was to fly a paper airplane through a hoop.
That picture is when we were testing out the game the day before. To make sure it worked.
7) Location: Japanese Tea Garden
The teams went ot the tea garden and had to put a puzzle togther (it was a cut up cereal box or some type of box)
8) Location: Hayward Cinema
They had choice as a team to eat a whole large box of popcorn, or each person needed to eat an atomic wing.
9) Location: Cannery Park (next to chruch)
There the teams played something like frisbee golf, and each team member only got one throw, and they had to hit a tree around 200 yards away.
10) Location: Southland Mall
Run around inside to find 4 young adults who each had a word, and they had to come up with the phrase
10) Location: Kennedy Park
They had to call Doug first and ask what was the last letter of the tattoo on his leg was (kennedy)
Then at kennedy park they had a choice of either throwing a bocce ball and having it land in a hula hoop 25 feet away,
or throw a football with all 4 members of the team standing at lcations 0, 20, 40, and 60 feet away. Had to throw the ball from 0-20-0-40-0-60-0, and do that two times without dropping the ball and moving both feet outside of the hulahoops they were standing in.
I was so good at delegating, that I really wasn’t there when the first team got there. Such a nice day I went to get ice cream, so I had red velvet cake ice cream, and smores (which I was sharing with valene and joylynn, they loved the red velvet).
11) Location: Pastor Josh’s house
They had to count all the transformers on display throguhout the house (i think we counted 82)
12) Run back to chruch for the win,
first place everyone got a 10 dollar target gift card, everyone else got pop rocks.
Then we just all hung out. Some of hte guys were trying to toss a football through the hula hoops. We would throw the hula hoop up and then you tried to pass the ball through it.
Today, I guess the big news is that I am trying to buy a house. So I made one offer tonight, going to pray that God Willing I get the house.