Fraidy Friday

Okay, now i know why people get scared staying in the house by themselves. So I have the house and I’m starting to ramp up the amount of work I do on the place.

Background info on the place: This was foreclosed house that was empty for 2 years, and my neighbors had said before there use to be homeless and vagabonds that would go to the back and drink and party. Until they called the police on them, then it was good.

The keys were changed when the place was being ready to be sold. However, there could be people that have keys to my house, so i was told to change the keys. But I’m doing that after all the handyman and construction people come.


I’m sitting in the house doing some final stuff at 10pm. My windows on the front are 3/4 covered with paper. However the back is not, and my gate to my backyard is not locked. =) I hear something walk up to my front door then walk around to the sides. It scares the crap out of me, and i’m standing there in the middle of the house with a screwdriver in my hand. All I can think of, is if i’m going down. This will be the most epic battle of all time. Andrew versus the homeless vagabonds.
Also, you should note that I didn’t bring a pair of extra clothes. So I’m shirtless because i was painting earlier and in my black jeans. I go open all the lights on the front patio and backyard, then go stand in the corner of the house where i can’t be seen.


I put up a decal on the wall as decoration. #1 of many. =) You can see the paper i put on the windows of the door. Will put a pretty curtain there, if I could get any girl to help me with interior design … because my co-worker doesn’t think and like how I’m going to accent one wall pink and put up a giant hello kitty picture.

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