Quick Recap of week

So I guess I’ve been really busy studying and working on the house so I have not really had as much time to blog. But I will blog more when I get back off my super schedule. =)

On friday I did help out with footpritns youth harvest festival. It was “retro arcade” night. IMAG0903


I helped out with a game that was a mix between frogger and duck hunt. Where there were two teams, frogger and trucks, they would each get a chance to shoot at ducks. When they hit a duck, the frogger team would get to move their frog one space, while if the truck team hit a duck, they would get a chance to roll a ball to hit a frog. =)


There were several other games like upstairs was a cardboard maze for pacman.




For this game they had to find specific old cell phones which had a special symbol on it.


I crawled through it, it was pretty hard. crawl especially in the dark with no lights. =)


This was a tetris like game where the team had cross through the cardboard holes without setting off the bells.


I also started my new job, it was a pretty nice office. My co-workers are really nice and have treated me well. They thought it would be funny to introduce me to the neighborhood by telling me about hte 4 people that died from a tattoo party in the parking lot next door a couple weeks ago. =)

That is good enough for now.

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