Edna & Aries Wedding


So one of Sherri’s good friend Edna was getting married today. So I woke up early to get to gilroy by 11am. Sad smile It is a really pretty place, on a golf course. The only bad thing about this place was that it didn’t really look like a place built to host a wedding. Sad smile

Mostly because the acoustics were really bad, I was sitting 4 rows behind, and I could not really hear anything.

And the banquet room was Y shape, with one leg really just being used as a slideshow/dance area. So it was hard to see the bride/Groom’s table.

However for those two things, it was a really nice and fun wedding.  IMAG2827IMAG2830IMAG2826

More random pictures, the theme was lego movie and their favors were lego bubbles.

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