Ching Ming and Calvin’s Bday

Today I observed Ching Ming with my Mom’s family side. What is it? It is Chinese Tomb Sweeping Remembering your ancestor. It is usually done early in april after all the rainy season.


We were at the Piedmont Mountain view cementary. That is a really big and beautiful cementary, with a lot of water fountains and beautiful views of the bay. The funny thing today was how we couldn’t find my grandparents because construction on the road. So we had to walk around for 10 minutes looking around for the spot.

One of the things that we use to use to figure out where the tomb was to find the “two trees” but what we noticed was that because of all the rain, and the remodeling of the cementary trees, we couldn’t figure it out.


Here is where my grandpa and to the left my grandma lies. Right above them is my great uncle and great aunt on my dad’s side. There were people that were paying their respect to my great uncle, but I didn’t know who they were. Do I get sad when I see them? Not really, I am more on the “give thanks” for all they have done to take care of my mom and dad and how what they taught them is inside of me. So I take great pride in knowing that they did a great job. Mostly because I have seen how other people have had bad parents and grandparents.


After walking the mountain we went to have dim sum. And the only thing that really stuck out to me was this really beautiful looking bird dessert looking food. It look good until I ate it and realized it was Durian, and I don’t really like it. Smile 


Then after that we went to my dad’s urn in Hayward masoleum. The masoleum was so peaceful and I was really sad when I was in there. We sat there for maybe 10 minutes just reflecting and then praying. After that we just walked around.

So what was I thinking while I was there? I cried a little thinking about how awesome it is that my Dad is with God. Even though I would love him to be here to celebrate all the things that are happening to me, I pray to God asking him to give my dad an update because I believe that my prayers are always heard. When I pray to God asking him to tell my dad stuff, I know he will.

I think of all the stuff my dad did to help, like volunteering to do people’s taxes. I then think of going to chipotle to share a burrito with him(during his chemo), and just laying in bed with my dad just holding his hands and hugging him (when he was cold and needed someone to hold his hand). *Even writing this right now makes me cry like a fountain*

And I will always remember that I have no regrets about my dad.  I did everything I ever wanted to do with him. I lifted him up when he couldn’t get up, (like when my dad called me get him out of bed , because Kelly couldn’t hear him and she was next door sleeping, so I drove 5 minutes over to get him).

Now onto something different and happy in a different way. It was Calvin’s 30th birthday, if you look at the wall you see the rubix cube show a #30.


Then for Calvin, I made him the only gift I could think of. I know he liked starcraft, and I thought that since 30 is a big year, I should come up with something wild and throwback. So I looked around and all I could find was marines and zergs from blizzard army men. These are huge army men, they are double the size regular army men. They are super tough and durable, I don’t know how I could break it IMG_20170401_172155

Here is it at the 75% part, that green thing is suppose to be a box with supplies inside of it.IMG_20170401_172159

The ground the marine is standing on is a piece of hardieback. I broke it down and threw it on there. And then I drew out a path.


Then to finish off the diorama, I cut out a piece of cardboard and then spray painted it tan (because that was the color I had) Then I cut it into random square parts and glued it to the ground to create a brown path. Then I added 2 sponges to the side and soaked them in blue water paint to look like the minerals. I think Calvin liked it, I just wanted to see his face.


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