Today we went to Hong Kong Island, it was really enjoyable. We were waiting at the bus stop for specific bus number. Good thing there were other people in line who could help us. Usually it is the grandpa and grandma’s with their grandchildren.
Like yesterday there was a little boy that was asking his grandma, “there is a truck, another truck, I’m going to buy a truck”. It was so cute, the boy was wearing all these “disney cars” clothing.
Hong Kong with me. 😛
So we made it to the star port pier, as we were walking there we walked past one of the most expensive hotel in Hong Kong. I don’t even know if they would let my corolla onto the lot
All I saw were Bentley’s, High End Mercedes stuff that cost more than my house. :). That is how I know I am poor.
So we took the ferry across to the island. It is only 35 cents US, the boat looks like it is out of the 50s. No one really uses it anymore to commute, so the people on here are mostly tourist.
It is a fun short ride, my parents told me how as a kid they got to ride it. How before they finished the underwater tunnel for the trains, this was a super busy ferry system. Now it is more a backup, fun alternative.
I found it to be a pretty bumpy ride. The chairs are pretty high tech in that the back rails can reverse directions, so you can sit facing the front of the boat always.