Warriors Parade


Since the warriors won the championship. I decided to go to the warriors parade. I have never been to a championship parade so I decided to go with Edris.

My other options for the parade were either

1) waking up early, like 5am, and hanging out with Dustin, Matt, and Daniel Bo as they camped out to find a great spot.

2) watch on tv

3) Take bart with Edris out in the morning 

So I plan everything out with edris, we will go take Bart at 6:30 in the morning. However on that morning, I get a text saying he really has to study, so he can’t go. With that in mind, I start thinking about whether I want to go or not.

I then decide that I took the day off, I might as well go.

The first thing I decide to do is take Bart, I walk all the way to the bart station and see that there is a huge line to get into the station. It is around 7:30am. So I think “this sucks, I don’t want to wait in line”. I walk back home and then drive out to oakland. I would park on the other side of lake merritt, near my grandma’s house. To my luck, there was plenty of parking at 8am. I then walk 1.25 miles to the parade route.



As I start walking towards the streets, I can see people lined up.


Someone made a sign that changed Children’s Fairyland to say Rileyland. I thought it was so cute, so I stopped to take a picture.


I was walking behind some ladies that were trying to get to work. The problem with the way the parade route was set up. I don’t think there was really any place for people to get from the inside (downtown) to the outside (lake merritt) side. I think the ladies just kept on walking for a long time.

While I was following them, I saw to my right that the street was really small and narrow. So I decided to step over some bushes and just watch the parade from there. I was so close to the street, it was awesome. 


There were kids across from me that were cheering and doing little fun things to past time.


One Selfie above

Also there was a cameraman set up, so I went to see myself on TV, and I did later. IMAG3629

These guys made their own championship trophy from a shopping cart and something on top. They had so many people come over to take pictures with it.


More waiting from the Kids. My phone was also running out of batteries, so I only got a few pictures in.


There was Klay Thompson and his dad, they were super chill.



There was Draymond and Marshawn Lynch. I think draymond threw his hat into the kids.

Here were some more highlights I remember:

I was standing next to a couple of cool guys, chinese like me. One was really tall so he was able to high five Bob myers who was in a corvette. It was an awesome reach. Also, we were yelling really loud, so we got a lot of the players to acknowledge us.

My favorite was yelling at Luke Walton, and we all started to yell his name. So he looked at us. Smile Then Ron Adams was in the back of the caboose. He saw me cheering and clapping at him and he gave me the “I see you cheering for me, and I want to let you know I appreciate it”. Hand gesture.

I love the snail flame car that the mayor of oakland was in, and all the steampunk looking vehicles.

Finally, I think because there was a mayor, or some kind of convention. Because there was a lot of politicians at the parade. I saw nancy pelosi, gavin newsome, ed lee, barbara Lee, and the san jose mayor.


After the parade, I decided to walk home, because there was no way I could make it to the stands. If you see the picture above, that is a lot of people going to the speech area. IMAG3644

So I found myself on tv.

I really loved this parade, because I got awesome seats Smile .

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