Black Raven


So today was a really rainy day. So I took it easy and just loafed around at Jason’s house. Then at night when Jason came back, I went drinking with him. Smile Actually it was more like I went drinking and he came along as my DD.

The first place we went to was this “Black Raven Brewery”. It is a pretty cool place, and they had an interesting selection of beers. I got their flights for that night, and it was 9 beers instead of the regular 6. However since I didn’t eat that much all day, I ended up being very tipsy after taking all these flyers.


Then I finished up the night eating at some burger joint. However I was a little too tipsy to really finish the food. Then we came back and played rocksmith, more like I watched jason play and taught him techniques. I am inspiring my future lead guitar friend. Smile

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