One of my favorite things at work is the monthly company BBQ. It is pretty awesome that one of the Managers tries to raise the moral and take care of us.
My co-worker who is always on the critical side and more of the pessimist, he even tries to be happy for this. Which I find really awesome, because he realizes that the manager is trying, so he is willing to put in the effort to try to accept it.
That actually makes me think a lot about leadership and about how a lot of the times what I try might fail. However, most of the time, people actually do recognize how I try to make it better, and they respect the effort. That is one of the things I learned from today. How if you try it, there is a chance it can work, and if it doesn’t, people at least will acknowledge your effort for trying.
The salmon looked so good, I might want to try to grill it myself.