Company Christmas Party


Like usual, our company christmas party was at Golden Gate fields. It is pretty fun to watch the horses race, they have a race every 30 minutes, and they telecast all the other races in the US on tv.

One of the interesting things is seeing how many people bet money on horses from vegas and other places. There is a scoreboard in the middle of the field that has money for each horse. Maybe 1 minute before the race starts, all this other money from other places like vegas come in. I would say it jumps all the money around 50%. So things like 7,000 will go to 13,000.


Today, I only bet on 1 horse, during the ACCO race. I chose the horse “Bwana Be Gone”, because I like the name. I noticed the jockey was pretty good too. That horse ended up coming in 2nd, it made a great push after the last pole to make it from last to 2nd. However, the horse did not win, and I lost $5 dollars.


After the christmas lunch, I went with some of my co-workers to Beer Revolution, and we drank a lot of beer (I only had one). It is interesting hearing them talk about the politics in the office. How you know some people kneel over to kiss the butt of the big man, and others don’t. Right now, I am still low enough on the totem pole, that no one really bothers me about it, and do not take offense with whoever I help. I am mostly just doing my job, and everything above me is above my pay grade.

There is a “soley vegan food” restaurant next door, so I bought all of us deep fried okra. That stuff was really good, and we were so hungry, all 5 of us just chowed that down. It was also nice that they bring the food over to us also.

Then there was church as usual at night, and we put the heater under the table upstairs so we would not freeze as much.

Overall, it was a lovely day. I liked it. Food, friends, friends, and just being extroverted and having fun building bonds.


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