Getting Videos Up for Joe/Frances Wedding


Joe and Frances are having a warriors theme wedding. So they want to make an intro video. So I have started to compile some random videos of myself doing things. Today, I was at the park next to the Union City Library. I saw they had pull up bars. So I thought it would be kind of cool to do some parkour moves.

I wanted to do more tricks, but what I noticed was that I was really scared. Some of the moves I could do back when I practiced a lot. I felt super unsure of myself trying to do it now. So I ended up doing a rotation on the pull up bar, rotate on the pull up bar. I was going to try to run and swing to catch the other pole, but I didn’t know how to. Here is a compilation of what I did on the bars. The other ones I might one day show.


BTW, I really enjoy the random workout items they have around in the park. I don’t really think anyone uses them. Today, I just saw a girl sitting on the bench.

Another thing that I noticed today is how uncomfortable my shoes are for running around. I have no cushion when I land, and I don’t get a good jump from it either.

I am slightly nervous for Joe’s wedding, because I am in charge of doing a magic show. It is kind of nerve wrecking because I have never done a big stage show. The biggest is in front of people at church. And I flubbed my one trick.

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