Last Fun Day in Seattle


So for my last full day in seattle, I decided to take the Orca Transit station around seattle. First stop was University of Washington, Seattle. So I walked to this bus stop, and saw that their sign had fallen down. What I figured out is that their bus for that one stop is always late. I waited there for a good 15 minutes after the stated time on their website.


Then as I went to the transit station, I missed the first bus to the College, because I walked in the wrong direction. Since I missed that bus, the next one was super packed with students. It is kind of weird to sit in a bus full of students. Makes me nostalgic.



When I got on campus, I had really no idea where to go. So I just followed the crowd of students. hahahaha, hoping that they all walked towards the student Union. However, it actually got pretty easy to tell what was the main office. It is usually the prettiest/modern building on campus. Their main building had glass windows on one side. I went inside and bought 3 t-shirts. One for robert, and one for me.

Then around 1pm, I went to eat lunch. I found this placed called “Serious Pie & Biscuits”. It was a pretty nice place, with a lot of business people eating lunch there, I looked like a college student sitting in there. But they served me well. I enjoyed my fried chicken and biscuits.


Then I walked around and went to the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI). This is an interesting museum in what they have there. I’m not really sure about the industry part, but I do know about the history. The 2nd floor is a walking history of Seattle. That was the best part of the museum. To blow some time, I also took a nap in the movie room, while I charged my phone in a seat next to me.

The other interesting story that happened today. Some random homeless guy came up to me and went “You don’t belong in this country”, I was super angry at him for that, then he went “it is because you haven’t met me yet, then it is okay”. hahahaha,

I then showed him a magic trick, I messed up on the first one, so he called me out on it. So I had to jumped to my next trick, which really messed with him. Then I gave him a couple dollars and had him go away.


Then I left the museum at around 4pm. Since I needed to waste one hour, I decided to walk around. I got to the pier for historical boats. Then I walked around the lake. What I noticed is that there are a lot of really expensive yachts being sold along the water front. These boats were 500 to 2 million dollars.



Makes me wonder if I had so much money, would I spend it on a boat. Which I guess I would if I had money just laying around.

I ended up strolling around a total of 5 miles, which took me around 1 hour.

For dinner, Jason and I tried a “dine around seattle” seafood restaurant.  It was a really fancy place, and tasted so good. Smile Then after that Jason took me to sonomoish falls. 


There must have been a lot of rain during winter, because the falls were super active. Jason told me he usually only saw 4 streams, while today there were around 6 streams falling.


That was the wonderful seattle skyline

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