Last Transparent


Today was my last day on Transparent Core, so I wanted to go out with a Bang. One of the things I did was prepare “The 10” for tonight. it was a 7 minute magic show, something I have not done for a coupe year.

So to make it more exciting, I decided to make a “disappearance/appearance” trick. Where I would make one Pez dissappear and reappear under everyone’s chair (50 pez, that I ordered)

To prepare,I came to church at noon time to set up my trick (hiding all the pez under the chairs). Which was good, until night time. When I walked up with my core members, I noticed that 1/3 of the pez candy had fallen off being taped under the chair.

So I have the core members help me, and I throw those pez into the bookshelf, because I don’t think anyone will be looking in there.

Anyways, the magic show went really awesome, and everyone enjoyed it, because they were not expecting a very stage like performance. Making a book appear, the mental choosing of the candy “Pez”

It was also a really relaxing night, because the rest of the day was doing the rest of the things for Transparent that we missed from the Church Christmas Program.

It was kind of sad seeing that this was my last day on Transparent Core. I never really thought about what it would be like when this happen. What do I think about it? I just think of it like handing off a baton to someone else, so they can do well. So I am really excited. Smile  While it is like a new direction for me to see what happens.

Then to finish off the night, we go to drink boba tea. Smile

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