Makers Faire Part 3

You might be wondering why I broke this post into 3 parts, it is because my host seems to timeout if I upload too many pictures.


Sherri and I also soldered these maker’s faire pins, and made little wands for the intel boards. It was funny watching sherri try to solder, because she has never done it before. So it was kind of scary for her. Then she made it work, so it was awesome when her pin worked.



These people were doing “tapogami”. Using tape and rolling it up and making things with it. SmileIMAG2287_thumb1_thumb


Sherri is listening to the Cat’s ear, in the dark area.


I called this the “Garden of Lights” it was inflatables with a lot of lights inside. Smile 


Eepy Birds doing their classic coke and mentos.

Overall, Sherri came up loving it. She was at first a little apprehensive because I described it as a big show and tell. She didn’t realize how fun it was, and she wished she had really told her friends to come. Smile

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