More shopping and hot pot


So we were walking around today looking for beads. Well actually my auntie and sister went to look for beads to make necklace. I walked around with my dad, uncle, and we looked around. Mostly just scanned the random things the shops were selling, and watching the people sell stuff.


Once I work on my Chinese writing, I will be better than my sister. Who doesnt think I can write a post in Chinese. Just wait 3 months.


As we walked around we ended up eating lunch at a Thai restaurant. These places are so pack and small. 7 of us on a small round table.


We continued shopping a little more, then we went our ways. My aunt had dinner plans with her friends, my parents and I went to have hot pot. We went to the shopping center and ordered 3 hot pot plates. It was so fun eating, and letting the food cooked. The stuff they had was really fresh too!

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