Moving Day

So for the past few days I have been staying up late helping my parents pack at their house. It is pretty stressful trying to pack all these boxes and label them. Smile Also, really sentimental, because I come across all these awesome stuff that I saved as a kid.


I was helping my sister clean out her sink because she is in LA. Found 3 hair irons, and this eyelid cleanser. Never knew girls had stuff like that to stay pretty. However, I did like my sisters eyelash curlers, and eyebrow comb.


This is how empty my room is now, that stuff in the right will be moved to my house over the next 4 days before my parents turn over the keys. Smile So much little stuff in my room, and in the house in general.

My dad hired these guys name safe movers from Oakland. They were all three big african american guys. Felt like I had 2 linebackers and a DB helping us move. One of the guys would put his arms behind himself and hold 4 boxes on his back. He just walked up and down so easily. Smile

Only two of them were needed to move the upright piano into the room.


My Garage Before


My Garage After:

Somehow my parents put all their house into my garage, living room, and family room. Smile I am slightly angry because my house is dirty now, and stuff is everywhere. Think of a very clean hoarders house!

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