My toe hurts

So if you were on my facebook page you might have read that I injured my toe doing something in the garage. 🙂 This is what I was doing.

Making these parallel bars out of PVC, because I saw it on a crossfit websiteIMAG0715


So I made something like this, and I was doing some final touches yesterday night. and I decided to do a L-handstand on it. But as I was going up the PVC bent more than I expected.

So now I am hanging straight up and i start falling over towards the PVC and cans in the back, and to my right is my car. As I’m falling I’m looking down and seeing what I am going to fall into. I don’t want to kick and dent my car, so i go down towards the pvc and I actually land with my feet on the open area (1 foot) between the PVC and my car. I am landing on my back, and I remeber that I have a phone in my back right pocket, so I have to turn and land awkwardly on my left foot (still in shoe). Amazingly, I hit land it, then my back hits the floor.

I roll up and realize I am in a lot of pain, and I take off my shoe because I think I broke a toe. I see that my toe has popped out, so I pop it back in, and just lay on the floor in pain.

My housemate’s mom comes out looks at me laying on the garage floor and goes “are you really tired? why are you sleeping on the garage floor. “, and while she is saying this “I am in so much pain that I am only focused on breathing and trying to make the pain go away”.

So I think, why not put this on facebook status becuase my phone is in my hand, and I am just laying around in pain.

It then takes me around 15 minutes before i walk into my house and just lay on the couch with my feet leviated. 🙂

Best part, I went ot watch skyfall later, i just limped around like a gimp.


hurting my toe. 🙁

So for the past 2 days, I have been putting some chinese ointment on it, and making it get better faster. /wp-content/uploads/2012/11/imag0723.jpg

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