Parkour Thursday

Today was a pretty eventful day. I got to go out to the field to a kickoff meeting. Met a lot of people I might be interacting with. That was pretty cool.

After work, went to my house and measured out the sizes of the windows. So I’ll have blinds soon and none of that printer paper I have sticking on the window so people can’t look in. =)

Here are what my shoes looked like after painting.IMAG0777

Today was the youth minister’s bithday, so we went out to hte ice creamery after. I was only able to say hi for a couple minutes and give off my disney marathon form so he could pick up my racing packet.


Then went to parkour class as my final tuneup for the half marathon. Hahaha, I have not trained yet for this marathon, I only ran at most 6 miles, not sure what my body will do after that. But I think the monkey conditioning and parkour should get me through. Or I could just parkour through the whole thing.

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