Pinterest Housewarming Gift


Today I went to a housewarming for Alau, Alan, Roger, and their last roommate. I wanted to get them a really cool gift, so I was scouring around for things


I come across fancy mason jars. I go to the dollar store, and buy 5 jars. The funny thing was that I didn’t bring a basket with me, so you saw me carrying 5 mason jars, and 2 ribbons with my whole body.


I then bought chalkboard paint, and painted random shapes on the front of the jars.


I filled up all the jars with Hi-Chew candy, a giant piece of chalk,and tied a ribbon around it all. And if you are wondering why I have the letters B A A F on there? It is because I did not remember the 2 other roommates name, so I just wrote a random letter.

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