Post Test Breakdown: With a touch of candy.

Woke up nice and early at 5:30am to get out to San Mateo Convention Center for my PE test. I love driving on the road at 6:00am, because there is no traffic, =) so I zoomed all the way to San Mateo in around 40 minutes. Got there at 6:15am, before the people working the gates at San Mateo were collecting money, so I saved 10 dollars. Woohoo!


Everything was going smoothly until I got into the test center and sat down. Now can you guess what is wrong?


Yeah, I forgot to bring my calculator. So for the morning, I had to go superstar mode, and do all my calculations by hand. Made it freaking harder than it should have been, then I also rounded a lot of my numbers to make the calculations simplier so I could fly through them faster. The guy that was sitting next to me felt really bad for me, and wish he could help me, but there really wasn’t much he could do.

So at lunch time when I was having my lunch break, I drove all the way to staples to buy a calculator. Somehow I couldn’t find staples, so I ended up driving in the opposite direction until I got to office depot. I was so relieved when I found the specific calculator, the lady at the register went “you look really happy today”. Then I was telling her how this would make my life so much easier on my PE Mechanical Test.

Overall, how do I feel about the test? Not really sure, I think this time when I did the afternoon questions, the answers I did do right, were actually correct. Got through 30/40 of the questions. Then I flat out just threw in answers for 5 of them, and tried to logically figure out 5 more.

Thanks for everyone who prayed for me. =)


This lady was sitting next to me while I was taking the test. I didn’t really talk to her until the end of the test, because she was asking me if I knew how to get to SF. She was visiting for illinois to take the test, so she could get the CA P.E. and also get it reciprocity for illinois.

She didn’t rent a car, so since I was going up to SF to have some food I decided to give her a ride. Not really sure how she got back home, I told her to take bart, then take caltran all the way back to San Mateo, then have a taxi take her the rest of the way. (She had taken a taxi to the test site). The only thing that kind of annoyed me, was that she talked a lot during the car ride, it felt like I was being bombarded with the 2nd degree. =)

I dropped her off at the embarcadero and told her she could walk to pier 39 and other parts of SF from there.


So it was around 7:30, and I was planning on going to rogue public ale house in north beach to enjoy a beer. However, I found out Edris and Vinesh were going to be getting off Bart in 20 minutes. So I drove around embarcadero area looking for a bar/grill. I end up finding parking in front of a place called Harringtons, so I sit there and tell them where I am. I forgot I didn’t really eat much for lunch, 3 bites of my sandwich because I was looking for this calculator, so that racer 5 IPA hit me hard after half a glass.

Then we decided to go have dessert, so I yelped a couple places. First place we walked into and then walked out because it was more a club/lounge than a dessert lounge area. =) We had jeans and t-shirts, while everyone in there was dressed in 9’s. Then we drove around north beach but couldn’t find parking so we decided to go to vinesh’s house and have dessert there.

Just like little kids at safeway, we were walking around trying to figure out which cookie was better. Chunky chocolate chips or regular chocolate chips, whip cream, and vanilla ice cream, FTW!!




Warm cookies with ice cream and whip cream, very tasty. That was my dessert.


Finally, I got in one of the I had bought. IMAG0252

This one is for my friend at church, because she is an advocate against human trafficking. I was buying a shirt on their site, and saw that they had these shirts that would provide 33 nutrional meals for rescued kids.

Now for the funny part of this shirt I bought. I had ordered a small, but I remembered when I bought my sister a shirt from there, the girl tees were a little smaller than I though. So I called in hoping to get a change in the size. A guy picks up, and I start talking to him, we get everything fixed. And I also get him to go and give my old roommate (who works there) from college a hug for me. I bet my old roommate Marc must have been wondering how can Andrew still get to me from so far away. =).

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