So today after work, I took bart out into the city. What was so funny was that I didn’t realize his dog was on the floor. I think I might have kicked the dog on it’s tail. It was when I was standing around looking down that I realized she was there. (How do I know? I asked the guy about his dog)
Also during this time, I showed some kids a magic trick, because they asked me. hahahaah
Met Alan out in the city, and we walked into the tenderloin to eat at this japanese curry place.
I had this beef curry thing, the place is pretty good, and it is next to the hookah place.
Then Alan and I walk all the way 1.2 miles to japantown and we do ESCAPE the room.
My favorite part was reading the liability form we had to sign. One line was “we are not responsible for emotional trauma from losing”. hahahaha
As for our team. I was Alan, and I , a group of 9, and a couple. The group of 9 had one guy who broke his leg playing rollar hockey. So we all had to fit in with a guy on a wheel chair. And all our hopes were pinned on Alan who was 1-0 in escape.
Hahahah, we took pictures of the wall, because it said farts.
As for the escape from the room, it was really fun. The puzzles weren’t too crazy, but you have to be very meticulously and get all the clues. We ended up maybe getting 80% done before we ran out of time and lost.
Then we tried to run to by-rite to get ice cream just in time. And I only ran 1/4 of a mile before I was tired.
Then we ended up eating at a mexican taco place in the mission. They had a really good fish taco.