Alan was pretty sad today because I didn’t record the chelsea game. I think I figured out what happened. My DVR can only record up to 5 shows at a time, and I believe there were 6 things being recorded at that time. 4 of them were other EPL games, and one channel was doing olympics.
Then we made some valentines day cards as a sister’s appreciation thing. I found these items online at “gum valentines day card”. With the phrase “I Chews You”.
All my parts laid out. Not sure what the magazine is doing in there.
Cutting and gluing pieces.
Adding gum to the item.
Final Product!!!
My embarassing moment at work. I was meeting this guy that works for a competitor company. He was another engineer that wanted to network with me. So we ended up eating in pleasanton at “Simply Greek”. What sucked was that eating on the tables (outside metal tables that are grated) the sauce dripped on my pants, so I had this stain on my pants for the rest of the day. Sucked, because I can’t even wash off the grease now.