Sun Moon Lake


I woke up sweating today, I hope I’m not sick and my body is just fighting off whatever might be attacking it.

My dad is sick so he had been coughing and looking a little rough in the room. My dad and I share a room, while my sister and mom share the other. It is so funny because whenever we get a room, my mom chooses the room she wants, and then the bed. Then we can choose the rest.


We then went to Sun Moon Lake in the mountains. It was a pretty place, except there were a ridiculous amount of boats randomly driving around people. So the boat took us to an island in the middle, what is so special about this island? I’m not really sure, except that there is a temple on the middle, and really good tea leaf egg.


Here is a panaoramic view.


Then we went to a roots nutritional session. It is put on by the aboriginals of Taiwan. They have reihsen root, and they have 283 people in their tribe. So the joke for the night was that they wanted me to marry the main speakers sister. So he called me brother in law in Chinese since I didn’t really understand, it was funny. He made me go up and showed stuff to me, and called me brother in law. I did get a free bottle of tea, it is kind of bitter tasting.


Then we ended up driving back to Taipei. Went to see some stuff and bought some pineapple shortcakes.

To top the night off, we went to the night market and ate dinner there. There was a huge food court there, it is interesting how hey work. All the restaurants are next to each other separated by maybe a plastic divider. I’m not even sure which small kitchen belongs to which one. There is a guy/gal outside trying to get people to come in and seat as you walk around. When we sat down, a lady with a nova came up to us asking if we wanted juice, so we bought from her too. Nice thing was that dinner was delicious and I think cost less than $20.

Then tomorrow we are going to Hong Kong.

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