Weekend of eating

So my weekend has been pretty interesting. It looks like I might be moving jobs, so I went out to SF to eat with Kaley. We went to burma superstar! The line to that place was so long, we put our names in at 7pm and didn’t get a call until 9pm. However, the food was so good, so it made up for it all. Tea Leaf Salad. =)


Thanks Kaley for the ring pop, i was eating it today while playing guitar.

Also saw some flaming moe’s energy drink. IMAG0824

One of my favorite things to do while i was not working on my house, was to sit around in the grass and wail on my guitar. =) The sky was really perfect on saturday, so I took this picture.


This blog is pretty short, because I have to go eat at my grandma’s house. I also saw the floyd mayweather fight. We were joking about how I should be “Mon-A”, my friend Edris is “Mon-E”.


That was a different fight, but those guys were crazy, all the blood everywhere.

Finally, we had flag football after church, it was so hot that I wanted to play in the water playground with the kids!



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